Your Soul’s Chosen Path
Your life isn’t a meaningless accident.
Do you have any idea how much energy and financing it took for you to come alive? Every planet, star system, celestial event, and subatomic particle had to align to make way for you.
Now that’s a miracle.
If you can see yourself from that perspective, it will be easier to know that your life has been Divinely orchestrated by a Greater Intelligence—your Soul.
Your Soul has a Destined Path. It’s reflected in your astrological birth chart.
You were born into very detailed circumstances. You were raised by a specific set of parents with a specific upbringing during a specific time and place on Earth. You went to a specific school, met specific friends, and got into specific relationships. You’re now on a specific path, living with specific people and responsibilities.
Everyone walks such unique paths. However, there is only one path for all: the path to Unconditional Love.
You meet people for a reason, a season, or a lifetime.
Since your first breath, your heavenly hosts have been magnetizing people, situations, and things that assist your highest growth and evolution. The first people are your parents. Next are siblings if you have any as well as other close relatives.
You are Pure energy above and beyond mental concepts (e.g. girl, boy, son, daughter, etc.) Because everything and everyone is also energy, you incarnate into a family that shares a similar frequency as you do.
Particularly, a core wound frequency. This frequency is hidden in the subconscious, meaning you don’t know it’s there.
A core wound is established to entrench you in a vibration of duality—where one person is right and another is wrong; one is good and the other is bad; one is guilty and the other is innocent.
That is why relating with family members has a strong charge. Because of your energetic resonance with them, they know how to ‘push the right buttons’. You may think it’s what they say or do to you that makes your dynamic emotionally challenging.
In reality, they are helping you see your core wound; the places where there is duality within you. The places within you that are pushing Real Love away because of the hurt and drama from your past.
It’s the task of the Soul to see behind these triggers and transmute them into Unconditional Love. It can take a lifetime to master, one of the reasons why family members stick around for that long.
And there are your intimate relationships. People you meet either for a reason or a season. Such relationships can last from a few months to many decades.
However long they last, romantic relationships are a fertile ground for awakening. You attract beings with a similar and opposing core wound frequency as you do.
After all, nobody can amplify your insecurities better than your intimate partner.
It can feel like heaven crossing paths with that special someone for the first time.
But after the honeymoon phase, all the subconscious hurt can’t help but show up. What once was your greatest high becomes a magnifying glass of all your fears and feelings of lack.
Contrary to what the popular culture feeds us, it’s not the job of Mr. or Mrs. Right to make you feel complete. You alone are responsible for your feelings.
Instead, they help you see parts of yourself you have not accepted yet. You enter into a relationship to unconditionally love yourself first; because True Love is not found outside of you.
If you find me not within you, you will never find me. For I have been with you from the beginning of me - Rumi
In the space between duality is Love. In Divine Love, there is no ego or no separation.
You will never get into Love consciousness when you make others the sole carrier of your happiness.
Until you can shine a light on how you are projecting your unmet needs onto the other, Unconditional Love remains elusive in your relationships.
You don’t find your purpose, your purpose finds you.
Living your True Soul’s Passions is as crucial as bringing Unconditional Love into your relationships. It’s non-negotiable.
Society tricks us into believing that one’s purpose is reserved for demigods from Mount Olympus; as if it’s only applicable if you’re a celebrity, saint, or a character in a fantasy novel.
Divine Truth doesn’t discriminate. If it applies to one, it applies to all.
It’s everyone’s divine right to manifest their heart’s desires. We all have our version of a yellow brick road that leads to Emerald City.
Your purpose is written in your human design and cosmic DNA.
There is a reason for your God-given gifts and interests; why your heart sets on fire talking about certain subjects; why you’re captivated by your idols and heroes—the same greatness exists within you and you’re merely projecting onto others (projections can be positive too.)
Soul Desires are not ego desires. You are never going to find your purpose by looking outside of yourself. It will elude you if you try to find it through accolades, money, success, or other people.
Soul Desires are from your Heart. Nobody else can tell you what that is because nobody is qualified to claim it.
Soul Desires make you a joyous human being. When you carry the vibration of happiness and freedom in what you do, it contributes to a joyous world.
Once you’re in touch with your true nature, you no longer see passion and purpose as airy-fairy concepts.
The Divine is eager to work through you. It’s patiently waiting for you to notice it.
By opening yourself to this Truth, your dreams are already in motion with the cosmos. You will know because you’ll be guided through synchronicities.
The more you pay attention to these synchronicities, the more they show up and the messages from your Soul get stronger—so much so that you won’t be able to ignore your heart anymore.
There is a higher order to everything. The fact that you are set up to love all beings and live your Soul’s dreams are sure signs that the universe is indeed, that intelligent.
Take small leaps of faith, one moment at a time.
Angel Sandy 🦋