The Age of Aquarius

The Age of Aquarius began on November 11, 2011.

An Astrological age corresponds to the different periods that parallel major changes on earth - lasting approximately 2000 years depending on the earth’s rotation.

As we enter the Age of Aquarius, we’re moving out of the Age of Pisces, or the Age of the Mind.

In the last 2000 years, humanity has been ruled by the intellect. We valued reading books, collecting information, and gaining control through strategic thinking. We had to earn a degree to obtain a decent livelihood or rank higher in society.

Such will no longer be the case in the Age of Aquarius. The mind will not have the same merit as it once did. Formal education is no longer necessary to acquire knowledge, build new skills, or earn a living.

Information is more widespread than ever before. Technology is moving at such a rapid rate that our minds are no longer able to keep up. There’s such heightened awareness of everything and everyone - almost to the point of paralysis.

The Age of Aquarius is the period in which we move from using the mind to using our intuition. Where we used to follow a more tried and true path, we are now shifting to a path less known.

This shift is a massive leap in our evolution. Humans are so used to the linear mind that following something as unpredictable as our intuition feels impossible.

Another hallmark of the Age of the Aquarius is upheaval. It is in the extreme changes in our climate. It is in the divisiveness in our politics. It is in our deepest anxieties, confusion, and pain.

These disturbances are not without purpose. If we continue to be attached with logic, materialism, and control, it will take a major crisis for us to be forced upon a higher consciousness. If we know anything about our history, we learn through crisis.

This period is not to be feared but to be embraced. On the other side of this mayhem, is a golden age filled with bounty, beauty, love, and light — a collective spiritual awakening that we've never seen before. That is, if we can adapt to changing energies of the planet.

Therefore, we can’t hold our caste and creed precious to us. In the age of Aquarius, we must travel light.

Our intuition is our access to Spirit. If you do not feel the universe within you yet, now is the time to cultivate that deeper awareness.

The mind is not a strong enough anchor to help you keep up with the changing times. If you try to approach it all through the head, it will be a never ending process that leads nowhere.

That said, below are the Five Sutras of the Aquarian Age:

  • Recognize that the other person is you.

  • There is a way through every block.

  • When the time is on you, start, and the pressure will be off.

  • Understand through compassion, or you will misunderstand the times.

  • Vibrate the Cosmos. The Cosmos shall clear the path.

This is the Age of Aquarius. Keep up, and you will be kept up.


🦋 Angel Sandy

The Aquarian Teacher Textbook 
The Aquarian Age by Guruka Singh

six feet under (2001)

