Art isn’t confined to traditional arts.
It’s all around where you look. Art is here, there, and everywhere.
Art in science, politics, technology, sports, and business.
Art in everyday life: what you eat for lunch, where you spend your free time, and how you organize your finances.
It’s the words you use, the punch line of your jokes, and the groove in your dance.
Before you make art, you must realize you are the art.
You are the universe’s creative endeavor. Your life is a divine play with lores unmatched by another.
It’s easy to forget this creative spirit that we cage ourselves by society’s rules.
But the ‘rules’ aren’t as set to stone as you think. Reality bends for those who choose to color outside the lines.
The impulse to create.
The universe is one big creative act. There are billions of humans and not one of us is the same. There are millions of animal species and most aren’t known to man. There are billions of trillions of stars in the sky that it’s useless to count.
You are a microcosm of the Source. It’s only natural you have the same creative impulse within you.
Otherwise, why are you here? To float around without purpose? If that were the case, you wouldn’t exist.
And yet, here you are.
This creative urge to bring something to the world is primordial. It comes from the deeper regions of the universe. It’s irrational and you can’t explain it. You only know something that wants to be expressed through you.
Something does want to be birthed through you. Your essence, after all, is creative life force energy.
Nobody can emulate you. Only you have the unique combination of skills, traits, interests, and experiences needed for your creative purpose.
It’s normal to dim these gifts because of how society is organized.
However, this will soon not be an option. The same systems keeping us small, are at shaky ground right now.
Restricting your creativity may have worked a hundred, fifty, and even ten years ago.
But in this economy? Where industries are crumbling and job security isn’t guaranteed?
If there’s any point in history that’s apropos for your creative potential to manifest, it’s now. Just as the fall of the Roman Empire preceded the Cultural Renaissance, the state of the world today is in dire straits of a huge rebirth.
So, why wait for society to collapse before you serve the Creative Goddess?
The creative act is a heavenly act.
Has the melody of a song ever brought you to tears? Has a painting ever left you speechless? Has a speech ever given you chills?
All are creative acts written by The Muse.
Often, we think of the muse as a source of artistic inspiration—like a woman.
It can be. But the Divine Muse is beyond this dimension. In Greek mythology, The Muse is a goddess who inspires artistic endeavors.
Many will argue that The Muse isn’t real. But anyone who’s ever said that has never listened to a piano piece by Bach; has never stepped foot in the Florence Cathedral; and has never read any poetry by Rumi.
Beauty is evidence that the Muse exists.
Anything with a strong tug to the soul is an orchestration by the Goddess herself: Martin Luther King’s “I Have a Dream”, Bob Dylan’s “Blowin’ in the Wind”, Jose Rizal’s “Noli Me Tangere”, Einstein’s “Law of Relativity”, etc.
We can fool ourselves into thinking that the Muse only favors people with special powers.
But the Muse is waiting for anyone who answers her call. Although some may have a stronger signal for her messages, such sensitivity can be developed.
If you want the Goddess to visit you, the pure desire to serve her is enough.
Creativity is a selfless endeavor. If you’re not committed to serving a higher calling, the Goddess will elude you.
Your name might be stamped in a book you wrote or a film you directed.
But be careful when you appropriate the work of the Muse as your own. There have been a lot of successful artists who have fallen for the ego’s lure for power. If you’re not conscious, creative energy can travel through malevolent channels of vanity, greed, and addiction.
In your creative pursuits, ask yourself: are you here to serve Love or Fear?
Creation with intention.
How can you give to life instead of seeing what you can get out of it? Instead of seeing what’s in it for you, how can you serve the world? Instead of putting yourself in the center of the universe, what if you put the goddess instead?
The seed of any creative endeavor is the intention behind it. If the seed isn’t planted, the tree can’t flourish.
Intention-setting isn’t just a flowery bit that yoga teachers use in their classes.
Intention is the basis of all spiritual and creative work. Without it, you’ll lose sight of why you began. You’ll get carried away with matters unaligned with what you want to bring forward.
You’re not immune to physical and psychic barriers if you’re following your creative desires. There will be forces determined to put you off course like doubt, insecurity, hopelessness, and limitation; all of which are manifestations of Fear.
Fear can manifest as thoughts and emotions. It can also manifest in other people and rigid structures.
If your intention to create comes from pure unconditional love, no person or thing can stop you from manifesting your creative visions. Love will always win over fear.
Entering the void.
So much of life has been avoiding the empty space. We always rush to "do something” to protect our appearance.
The void is the starting point of all creations. The mother’s womb needed to be empty before bearing its child. The canvas had to be blank before it could be a painting. The house needed to be vacant before a family could call it home.
Nothingness is an essential part of life. And yet, we try to skip through it.
The void is only scary because we’re taught to fear it. Doing nothing is lazy behavior in a culture of “more, more, more.”
In truth, avoiding the void is lazy behavior.
As you descend to nothingness, everything you think you should do will be brought to the surface. It has to be for you to empty out. If you want to release your fears, you have to confront them.
It may feel like you’re dying or going mad. That’s because a part of you must die before you can bring something new to the world. Before the ascension, is the descension.
Sit through the boredom. Sit through the impatience. Sit through the existential terror. Your anxieties may tempt you to seek comfort from what’s known, like an old relationship, habit, or job.
But once you’ve heeded the call of The Goddess, it’s too late for that. Resisting the call isn’t an option. If you do, divine discontent will keep bothering you.
If you stay in the empty space long enough, you’ll realize the futility of your fears. The scary void becomes the peaceful void. It is, after all, where you rest each time you sleep; and where you return to after your long-winded life.
As you nestle in blissful nothingness, the Muse will possess you out of nowhere with your creative purpose. It will explode like the Big Bang, set your heart on fire, and take on a life of its own.
Creativity and divine timing.
Nothing stifles creativity more than the ego’s attempt to control the order of things.
If you have a creative vision, it already exists in another dimension. But in this realm of time and space, creations take a while to trickle down into form.
How and when your visions manifest is none of your business. It’s beyond your pay grade to plot how creations enter this world.
You can fabricate illusions of control by devising to-do lists and quarterly plans.
But it’s not in your hands. You have no hold of the cosmic scheduling of the universe. It’s not in the continuum of linear time.
Hold structures and plans loosely. The Muse has it all taken care of. If there’s anything you have to ‘do’, it’s to be patient with her whispers. She will tell you exactly what to do and when to speak via your intuition. She is precise with her timing and relentless with her desires.
The Muse whispering to Beethoven’s ear, 1912
Since her desires are your desires, she can never leave you. Trust in her guidance and infinite creative powers; no matter how long it takes.
Creating from enthusiasm.
Enthusiasm comes from the Greek word enthousiasmos, meaning “an expression of God’s joy in form.”
If you’re not sure what to create, follow what excites you. Forget about what you can “monetize” or what gets you recognition. Your creations can lead to that but such things can’t be the basis for your aspirations.
If it’s a True Soul Desire, you can never go wrong. Trust in pure enthusiasm to pave the way. Trust that the Goddess will be there to catch you if you fall.
If you have multiple creative passions, explore all roads. Don’t limit yourself to “one thing.” The polymath trope is in dire need of a resurgence.
Let the Muse respond to you slowly. Sync yourself with the rhythm of nature and see how life organizes itself in your favor.
The Goddess is your eternal companion. She’s been with you long before your grandparents were born. Until you recognize her sweet song, she’ll be watching over you in the background; ready to guide you anytime you decide to shift gears.
Creativity is your birthright. Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise.
Angel Sandy 🦋
Further Reading:
The Creative Act by Rick Rubin
The War of Art by Steven Pressfield
Tao Te Ching by Lao Tzu